Members Overview

The Members functionality allows your website visitors to register and have access to secured content. You can also sell membership access via the Online Store.

To get to the Members functionality in your builder go to Dashboard -> Members

To create new member categories click on Manage Groups or Member Groups in the side navigation.

There you can create a new member group. In the Settings for each group you can adjust the group name, set a URL of a page to redirect to upon login (this URL will also be sent via email upon purchase of a membership access in the store) and you can also see all the users in that group.

In Members you can see all the registered users on the website that you can filter by the existing groups.

By clicking on each Member you will see detailed info about each member. You can see the Registration date, Last Login date, Reset their password (it will send them an email to reset the password), Delete the user, check what groups they are part of and you can add Notes for each member.


Now lets create pages that are only accessible by members of a group. Go to the Builder and click on Pages to show all the pages you have in your website. Go on top of the page you want to restrict access to and click on the Pencil Icon. Click on Page Access and then Choose Member Groups. After that, all you need to do is select the Member groups that you want to have access to that page. This way you can organize pages that are only accessible by those users part of a group.


This is how easy it is to create member groups, add and edit members and create members only pages.